Corruption in politics

        This week, I read Politics According to Shelby, which is a blog that focuses on Politics. The main idea of this blog is that there is corruption in the U.S government. One idea that I found interesting was that there was the most corruption in the presidency. I thought it was interesting because I didn’t know that there was that much corruption in the presidency.

        It made me wonder about the corruption in the police force as it states,  so I looked up some more information about this idea. On the website USA Today, I found more information about corruption in the police force. One piece of information I found was the record of a police officer is very hard to find from a public perspective. The only people who can really only find the background of a police officer are other policemen, police unions, and political figures that are allied with cops. This information supported the information in the original text, as it shows that anyone trying to find the background of a police officer needs to be backing the police to get any information from them. This shows the corruption in the police force as to why would there be a need to hide the backgrounds of officers from the public if they aren’t trying to get away with stuff. They make sure that only people close to them can see it and they make sure that the politicians on their side keep it that way. From here, you would explain how this additional information made you think about the original text. This made me think about the original text as it showed a chart of the corruption of different people that have a lot of power, going from the police to the president.

Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1016218">Alexas_Fotos</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1016218">Pixabay</a>


Kelly, John, and Mark Nichols. "We found 85,000 cops who've been investigated
     for misconduct. Now you can read their records." USA Today, 11 June 2020,
     usa-today-revealing-misconduct-records-police-cops/3223984002/. Accessed 9
     Dec. 2020.
M, Shelby. "CORRUPTION IN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT?" Politics According to Shelby
     -SM, Blogger, 22 Nov. 2019,
     corruption-in-us-government.html. Accessed 9 Dec. 2020.


  1. This blog is really easy to read and I like the setup and background. The colors blend nicely and I like the funny picture you used. I may suggest moving the picture in between the two paragraphs just to break up the text. Also maybe changing the background color of the citations but other than that I think it is a great blog.

    1. That's a good idea thanks for pointing it out! I will make sure to do that

  2. How does corruption in the police force relate to corruption in politics? Are they the same thing?

  3. the reason for the corruption is because they need more cops then they have so they hire who ever and then they miss use their power.


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