Concerts Finding a Way to Survive in the Midst of a Pandemic


    This week, I read an article on the New York Times, which is a story that focuses on the current events of whats

happening around the world. The main idea of this article is that German scientists are finding ways to reopen up 

concerts, so that the concert industry can start making a revival. One idea that I found interesting was a study that 

found that indoor concerts have a surprisingly low spread rate of the COVID-19 disease. I thought it was interesting

because I would’ve thought that indoor concerts would spread the disease a lot and it wouldn’t be low.

Socially distancing concertgoers attended a performance by Kasim Sulton in the parking lot of Tupelo Music Hall in Derry, N.H., on May 23. 

 McGrane, Victoria. "In N.H., a drive-in live concert is what the new normal may
     look (and sound) like during the coronavirus pandemic." Boston Globe,
     Boston Golove,
     fe/. Accessed 6 Jan. 2021. 



It made me wonder what the concerts where doing in my local area, so I looked up some more information about

this idea. On the website the Boston Globe, I found more information about a concert venue that started doing

drive in concerts in Derry, New Hampshire. One piece of information I found was that people had come from all

over the country to see their favorite bands play at this concert venue. This information supported the information

in the original article as people really want concerts to return so with indoor concerts closer, and normal outdoor 

concerts closed too. People are driving to drive in concerts to go see some of their favorite bands perform. The

concert industry has taken a big hit form the covid-19 pandemic, and with the recent release of the vaccine for 

the deices, the industry is on par to make a great return soon. With people being deprived of concerts, they won’t

hesitate to buy tickets for the 2021 concerts. I believe that concerts will see a large spike this summer of attendance

as more people will be wanting to see their favorite bands live and in person. 





Kwai, Isabella. "Coronavirus Study in Germany Offers Hope for Concertgoers."
     New York Times, 23 Nov. 2020,
     coronavirus-concert-study-germany.html. Accessed 8 Jan. 2021.  

McGrane, Victoria. "In N.H., a drive-in live concert is what the new normal may
     look (and sound) like during the coronavirus pandemic." Boston Globe,
     Boston Golove,
     fe/. Accessed 6 Jan. 2021. 




  1. Mattais, were you able to learn anything about why the spread is so low at concerts? I would think that people would be singing along and possibly dancing, which would spread germs even more, especially given a close proximity. There are tickets being sold for this year, so it's possible we will back to at least summer concerts outside. Do you think the number of people allowed to attend will be lessened still?

    1. No I was not able to learn why, the article didn't go into that depth of why it more explained the different trails that the scientist went through to find the data.

  2. This was a good review. You did a good job of explaining the important reasons for allowing concerts to go on, even if in a new format. Wow, that's really surprising about the spread of covid-19 being low at concerts. I would want to find out more about that study because the idea of it just goes against everything we have learned about the spread of covid. I love how people are being creative, both for financial reasons and for reasons of bringing back some sense of fun and normalcy. What a great idea to have "drive-in" concerts, just like they used to do with movies. I do hope that summer will be good turn-around for the industry with the return of outdoor concerts.

    1. Thank you! I hope that concerts will be able to start be up and running again by this summer too, it'll be nice being able to see a band in person after listening to them digitally for the whole quarantine.

  3. Mattais, I read something similar in the NYT related to theater. It was an article about Dr. Fauci's thoughts regarding when people would be able to return to indoor theater productions. He is predicting fall of 2021. It will be interesting to see if different arts venues follow the same guidelines or not (theaters, concerts). You can read the article here:

    1. Huh that's an interesting article, it would be neat for more then just music concerts to be able to return. Hopefully they will be able to open up sooner though


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